position controls SERS
with CANopen interface |
SERS with CANopen interface |
The SERS is available optionally with CANopen interface.
The characteristics of the SERS (microstepping operation,
different churrent characteristics, modular design, free programable,
scaled parameters, I/O's, ...) are identical with
the RS232C/V24-version. |
The SERS with CANopen interface additionally includes
following features: |
| |
transfer rate until 1MBaud |
complete galvanical isolated interface |
protocol according to CANopen drives profile
General (e.g. communication) parameter with index numbers until 0x1000
according to "CiA Draft standard 301"
(Application Layer and Communication Profile) from "CAN in Automation
e. V.".
Additionally according to "CiA Draft Standard Proposal DSP-402"
standard parameter of the "CANopen"
Device Profile for Drives and Motion Control" from index 0x6000
additionally implemented: PDO mapping with free selectable assignment of SERS parameters
PDO1, PDO2, PDO3 und TDO1, with each 4 free selectable SERS parameters (acceleration,
speed, position feed value, outputs, etc.) |
"eds"-configuration file provided |
Order key of a SERS with CANopen interface:
SERS ... V04 CAN (e.g SERS 06.85 V04 CAN) |
Download |
position control
SERS/WSERS and SERS Programmer 2
– single data sheet (641 KByte) |
motor controls catalogue 2015 –
catalogue (1838 KByte) |
stepper motors I
position controls I
power amplifiers I equipment
I home I info@stoegra.de |